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How to Reduce Water Loss in Your Company?

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According to the 2020 SNIS (National Sanitation Information System) survey, Brazil wastes 40% of all treated water in the country due to inefficient distribution. An alarming number, since drinking water is a vital and increasingly scarce asset.

Faced with this scenario, reducing water loss in your operation is a duty of all companies. Firstly, because this is a fundamental resource to guarantee the quality of human life and the sustainability of productive activities on the planet.

But also, because the adoption of environmentally friendly behaviors is essential to keep organizations aligned with the ESG agenda, and saving water is synonymous with reducing costs for the business.

In this content, we detail how your company can implement these seven actions that contribute to the reduction of water loss:

  • map the use and loss of water in the operation;
  • measure and monitor water consumption;
  • plan the efficient use of water;
  • replace inefficient equipment;
  • invest in wastewater treatment;
  • create a water reuse and recovery policy;
  • have programs to raise awareness about the problem of water loss.

Map the use and loss of water in the company's operation

Mapping the way water is consumed and what are the critical points of loss of this resource is the first step in avoiding waste in the company.

With this mapping, it is possible to sectorize consumption, establish goals, and implement actions that can help reduce water loss in all organization processes.

Measure and monitor water consumption

The measurement and monitoring of water use are fundamental to identify critical consumption and waste points. By implementing a system that measures and monitors how water is spent, it is possible to identify leaks and wastes in real time, and take actions to correct and prevent these problems.

Plan the efficient use of water in the company

Using water efficiently is essential to reduce the loss of this resource. Simple actions, such as installing faucets with a timer, monitoring for leaks, and implementing preventive maintenance programs, help reduce waste and can positively affect the organization's accounts.

Replace inefficient equipment

Dripping faucets and pipes, leaking registers and valves can cause great water waste and, therefore, it is essential to carry out periodic maintenance of these equipment and, whenever necessary, to replace those that are no longer efficient.

Opting to replace old faucets with more modern items, for example, can lead to a reduction of up to 75% in water loss, due to aerator technology.

Invest in wastewater treatment

Not contaminating rivers and soil is a legal duty of companies, and the treatment of effluents is a way of complying with this obligation.

By investing in wastewater treatment, the company can return up to 80% of the water consumed to nature, and this practice is combined with the reduction of consumption and long-term expenses.

Create a company water reuse and recovery policy

Water reuse is a fundamental sustainable practice to reduce the loss of this resource in companies. The water used in some production processes can be treated and used in other stages of the operation, this reduces consumption and the amount of effluents generated.

The water reuse method can be simple or complex, depending on the investment made and the conditions of the water resource for healthy reuse. Examples of this are:

  • the use of water from sinks for washing garages and patios, or for watering gardens;
  • the use of water as a fluid for cooling parts in industrial operations.

Have programs to raise awareness about the problem of water loss

Implementing programs that educate about the conscious use and sustainable management of water is essential to be successful in reducing the consumption of this resource, so companies must invest in this type of initiative.

Internal campaigns can make employees adopt simple habits that have a great impact on water savings, such as turning off the faucet while washing hands and brushing teeth, and are also indispensable for transforming corporate culture, in order to present to teams values related to the rational use of natural resources.

Now that you know good practices that help reduce water loss in your company, also read our content that shows how to treat industrial effluents correctly and ensure your company's alignment with the best environmental responsibility behaviors.

The future has quality water because the present has innovative chemical solutions.

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