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5 Benefits of Sustainability Actions for Companies

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In recent years, the social demand for sustainability actions has become much stronger. Knowledge of the impacts of human activities on the environment has evolved and companies have been pressured to adopt appropriate practices in their production processes.

In this article, you will see five benefits that an organization can have by adopting sustainable methods, ranging from brand valuation to reducing operating costs. Check it out!

1. Brand valuation

Consumers are increasingly aware of the need to preserve the environment. For this reason, they value companies that are concerned with this issue and take this factor into account when buying goods.

Uma Research released by Opinion Box showed that 57% of people gave up buying products after discovering that companies applied practices harmful to the environment.

With an eye on this reality, many companies have adopted green marketing, a strategy based on sustainability actions, to demonstrate the organization's commitment to the preservation of the planet. The idea is to improve the brand's reputation before society, increasing its credibility and influence.

2. Access to new markets

Another benefit is access to new markets. The concept of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), which encourages coordinated sustainability actions with social responsibility and corporate governance, has been used by investors as criteria for closing business partnerships.

The set of ESG-related practices includes:

  • reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;
  • preservation of natural resources;
  • adequate waste management;
  • promoting diversity and inclusion;
  • combating discrimination and the exploitation of labor;
  • making investments in local communities;
  • strengthening transparency and ethics in business management;
  • investments in innovation and sustainable technologies.

3. More engaged employees

Like consumers, workers are also looking for companies aligned with their values. Therefore, an organizational culture that values sustainability actions tends to attract people who share that purpose and tend to have greater engagement.

In addition, a healthy and safe environment favors the well-being of employees, contributing to the retention of talent and the reduction of turnover rates.

4. Adaptation to regulatory demands

The pressure for more effective sustainability actions also comes from the public authorities, which are instituting increasingly strict environmental laws and regulations. It is up to organizations to adapt to regulatory demands to avoid legal risks - such as fines and sanctions - and to protect themselves against damage to the company's image.

Among the main environmental laws and regulations in force in Brazil, we can mention:

  • National Water Resources Policy;
  • National Environmental Policy;
  • Environmental Crimes Act;
  • National Solid Waste Policy.

5. Cost reduction

Generally, the main sources of resource waste in the industry are associated with the following situations:

  • use of old and inefficient equipment;
  • excessive water use due to undetected leaks;
  • planning errors and inadequate inventory management;
  • unnecessary or inefficient transportation of products and materials, especially in companies with a complex supply chain;
  • excessive waste generation, whether due to inefficient production processes or inadequate management.

Sustainability actions can promote operational efficiency and lead to the conscious use of resources at all stages of the production process, minimizing the waste of raw materials, water, and energy.

As a consequence, waste generation will also be lower, bringing significant savings with industrial effluent treatment processes and the final disposal of this material.

It is also worth noting that investment in clean technologies tends to optimize maintenance costs and water and energy systems. This impact may be even greater in the long term, when the company adopts a culture of sustainability that results in the simplification of operations.

How to implement sustainability actions in your company

To have the benefits of sustainability actions in your company, it is important to develop innovative solutions and improve processes throughout the production chain. This is a very comprehensive work that can be summarized in the following steps:

  • assess the company's environmental impact in all its activities, from production to final disposal of waste;
  • identify the possibility of optimizing energy efficiency through the application of clean technologies;
  • implement a system for the proper treatment and disposal of hazardous waste;
  • establish environmental performance goals and indicators;
  • promote environmental awareness among employees, customers, and suppliers;
  • incorporate sustainability criteria in the selection of suppliers.

In fact, this last topic is decisive for the concern with sustainability to be maintained in all areas of the business. So, see what to consider to choose an industrial water treatment company aligned with the demands of the market and society.

The future has quality water because the present has innovative chemical solutions.

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