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Understand the National Water Resources Policy

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Water is one of the most important natural resources for maintaining life on the planet. For this reason, its preservation is among the most important concerns of governments, companies, and consumers who want a sustainable and balanced future for the next generations.

In Brazil, one of the main tools for managing water use is the National Water Resources Policy (PNRH). Next, see what its objectives, principles, and instruments are.

What is the purpose of the National Water Resources Policy (PNRH)?

Law No. 9,433/97, known as the National Water Resources Policy (PNRH), was created to establish principles, guidelines, and instruments for water management in Brazil. Among its most important recommendations, we can highlight the following:

  • establish an integrated and participatory management of water resources;
  • ensure the multiple and sustainable use of water;
  • recover and protect sources of water resources;
  • ensure the rational use of water for human consumption and animal desidentation.

The PNRH is aligned with some determinations of Federal Constitution. Article 21, for example, establishes that the Union is responsible for “establishing a national water resources management system and defining criteria for granting rights to their use”.

Article 225, on the other hand, addresses the “right to an ecologically balanced environment” and imposes “on the Government and the community the duty to defend and preserve it for present and future generations”.

What are the principles of the National Water Resources Policy?

The National Water Resources Policy establishes seven principles to guide all actions and decisions related to water management. They are:

1. Water is a public domain asset

Because it is a natural resource that belongs to the entire society, water cannot be privatized and it is essential to guarantee access to it for all citizens, regardless of their social or economic status.

2. Water is limited and has economic value

As water is a finite natural resource, it must be used consciously and responsibly. Because of its economic value, charging for use is a way to encourage the adoption of sustainable practices.

3. Priority use in situations of scarcity

In critical situations of scarcity, resources must be directed, as a matter of priority, to human consumption and animal desettlement, ensuring access to drinking water for all.

4. Decentralized and participatory management

The management of water resources must involve various sectors of society and guarantee the effective participation of users to promote sustainable urban development.

5. Hydrographic basin as a territorial unit

Hydrographic basins are recognized as territorial units for the implementation of the PNRH. This helps establish integrated and sustainable water management across the country.

6. The quality and quantity of water is affected by human action

As human action can interfere with water quality parameters and its availability, it is essential to adopt measures to ensure the protection and preservation of this resource.

7. Management integrated with other natural resources

The management of water resources is intrinsically linked to the use of land and other natural resources, something important to ensure the safe exploitation of the environment in all activities.

What are the main PNRH instruments?

The National Water Resources Policy establishes a series of instruments to optimize the collective management of water resources in Brazil. Among the main ones, we can mention:

Water Resources Plans

Water Resources Plans are technical documents that provide guidelines, goals, and appropriate actions for the exploration of a hydrographic basin. Its drafting must involve governments, civil society, and users.

Classification of water bodies

Water bodies are classified according to physical, chemical, biological, and hydrobiological aspects, which determine what uses they are suitable for. A Conama Resolution No. 20 of 1986 establishes nine classes divided into 3 groups:

  • fresh waters (special classes, 1, 2, 3 and 4);
  • salt water (classes 5 and 6);
  • brackish water (classes 7 and 8).

Granting of rights to use water resources

Those interested in the use of water resources must request authorization from the regional governing body. It is necessary to explain a number of relevant aspects, including:

  • the purpose of the use;
  • the amount of water to be used;
  • the period of use;
  • the effluent treatment process;
  • the place of capture and/or launch.

The responsible authority assesses whether the request is compatible with the availability of water in the region and may grant the right of use for a specified period, provided that the user complies with the established conditions.

Charging for the use of water resources

The charge for the use of water is based on the principle that those who use the water must pay for it. The funds collected must be used for the management of water resources and for the conservation of water bodies.

Information systems on water resources

The National Water Resources Information System (SNIRH) is responsible for integrating information about water resources in the country and brings together various databases, including:

  • National Hydrometeorological Network;
  • Water Quality Monitoring Network;
  • National Register of Water Resources Users.

In this way, public managers have access to information about water availability in each region, water quality, and the way in which it is explored.

How to optimize water resources management in companies?

Every company that uses water in its activities must be thoroughly familiar with the National Water Resources Policy and implement measures for responsible water management. Among them, we can mention:

  • conduct surveys on water consumption in each activity to identify opportunities to reduce waste;
  • monitor the quality of the water used in production processes to ensure compliance with the standards established by law;
  • obtain the rights to use the necessary water resources;
  • adopt responsible management practices, such as water reuse and effluent treatment.
  • have business partners aligned with sustainability and environmental protection guidelines.

Do you want to know more about it? See some water preservation actions that your company can take today to reinforce its commitment to protecting the environment!

The future has quality water because the present has innovative chemical solutions.

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