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Water Preservation: 6 Actions Companies Can Do Today!

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Do you know how your company can contribute to the preservation of water? Consumers are now more aware of the impacts of industrial activities on nature and expect more sustainable positions and actions from brands, which also involves greater concern for the quality and protection of this resource so important for life on Earth.

In addition to meeting the expectations of your audience, it is necessary to genuinely understand the need to protect this input, not only for human consumption, but for the economy. After all, without water, various activities would be impossible, such as agricultural and textile production, among others.

Although Brazil has the largest drinking water reserve in the world, it already ranks 20th among the countries that most waste this treated resource, according to a survey conducted by the International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation Utilities (IBNET), with data from 2011.

Do you want to understand more about the importance of preserving water and what actions your business can take to contribute to this cause? Keep reading!

What is the importance of taking care of water?

Qual a importância de cuidar da água?

Water is an indispensable natural resource for the survival and development of all types of life on the planet. It maintains the balance of ecosystems, in addition to being an essential component for maintaining the Earth's biological, chemical, and geological cycles.

In everyday life, in addition to serving to quench thirst, it is used in various activities. In the economy, it also has a great impact, being used in agricultural, livestock and industrial activities.

However, only 4% of all the water found on the planet can be used and consumed: fresh water, which is becoming more scarce every day.

Therefore, it is important that everyone is aware of the need to preserve this resource, avoiding waste and investing in actions that promote their economy, as well as the protection of rivers, springs and other water sources.

And industries bear a great responsibility in this battle, since they are responsible for the consumption of about 22% of the liquid available on Earth, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

How can companies help preserve water? See 6 actions!

Now that you understand why it is so necessary to ensure the preservation of water, check out some actions that your company can invest to save this resource and how it can benefit from this!

1. Water reuse

Como as empresas podem ajudar na preservação da água?

This resource integrates a series of industrial processes and, to promote its economy, companies can invest in the reuse of water, which is nothing more than giving a new use to this element after its first use.

Using the appropriate treatment process, effluents can be reused for cleaning and even for energy generation. Interesting, isn't it?

2. Rainwater collection

Capturing rainwater is another example of saving this resource that your company can invest in, especially if your region is rainier. It can be used in various activities, such as washing warehouses, unloading toilets and irrigating gardens.

3. Dry washes

Today, there are also many alternatives to the use of water in cleaning processes, such as dry cleaning techniques, which significantly reduces the use of this resource.

4. Control and inspection of water sources

Another way to contribute to the preservation of water in your company is to carry out internal surveys in order to identify possible leaks, infiltrations and hydraulic failures, which may be causing waste.

In addition, it is worth having a system that gives your company control of water consumption in each process. Thus, it is possible to better monitor and evaluate the use of this resource in each activity and to think of better alternatives to reduce its use.

5. Own Treatment Plant

It is common for factories that rely heavily on the use of this resource to have their own water treatment plant.

This investment can also be a great ally in the fight for water preservation, as it facilitates the reuse and treatment of industrial effluents.

6. Intelligent chemical solutions for industrial water treatment

Soluções químicas inteligentes para o tratamento de águas industriais

Having intelligent chemical solutions for the treatment of your industry's effluents is also another way to contribute to the preservation of water, after all, it is possible, through this, to guarantee the quality of this resource by returning it to nature.

Thus, you not only take care of the water, but of all the fauna and flora that depends on it, and you also guarantee the health of people who survive fishing and other riverside activities, for example.

Here on Projesan, we understand that betting on the evolution of water also means taking care of people, since the improvement of this input positively influences everyone's quality of life.

We have a team of highly competent technical professionals to produce chemical solutions designed to meet the individual needs of each company we serve, from flocculants, coagulants, alkalizing agents, and other products essential in the water preparation stages.

Take advantage and learn more about Projesan solutions and invest in the evolution of this resource in your organization!

The future has quality water because the present has innovative chemical solutions.

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